Desde que descubrí hace
unos años su blog no dejo de visitarlo con asiduidad, al principio me parecía
un poco friki la verdad y me causaba mucha curiosidad, a medida que iba
pasando el tiempo veía como aumentaban sus seguidores y como del día a la
mañana la industria de la moda creaba un “monstruo”, no me malinterpretéis lo
digo con todos mis respetos, me explico.
Since I discovered your blog a few years ago I keep visiting regularly, at first it seemed a little geek truth and caused me very curious, as time passed his followers saw as increased as the day and the morning fashion industry created a "monster", do not misunderstand what I say with all due respect, I mean.
Tenía 11 años cuando
Tavi desde su barrio en Chicago creo su blog TAVI GEVINSON'S BLOG de moda en su mayoría. No penséis que ella
era el típico caso de niña rica que se
dedica todo el tiempo a comprar y a la vida contemplativa, todo lo contrario. En
sus post nos enseñaba sus outfit imposibles, a mí me parecía una niña jugando a
disfrazarse, en otros post nos hablaba y nos daba su opinión sobre
el mundo de la moda, diseñadores, colecciones y desfiles y poco a poco
comenzó a tener admiradores
de su estilo transgresor y atrevido.
He was 11 when Tavi from her neighborhood in Chicago think your blog Tavi Gevinson'S BLOG mostly fashion. Do not think that it was a classic case of rich girl who is engaged all the time to buy and the contemplative life, quite the opposite. In his post he taught us its impossible outfit, I looked like a little girl playing dress-up, in another post we talked and gave us his opinion on the world of fashion, designers, collections and parades and gradually began to have fans transgressive and daring style.
Empezó hacerse notar de
tal modo que comenzaron a llamarla de revistas como The New York Times para
hacerle reportajes. Los diseñadores empezaron
a invitarla a sus desfiles y a tenerla en cuenta. Estamos acostumbrados
a ver a blogueras conocidas en desfiles y colaborando con diseñadores pero no a este nivel, yo estaba alucinada, la primera vez que la vi fue en uno
de los desfiles de Marc Jacobs, pensé es una niña¡ y la cosa ha ido a mas…. Va
de un lado a otro del mundo invitada a las semanas de la moda con sus
estilismo extravagantes y en primera fila (ya sabéis lo que eso significa). Yo
apuesto por el estilo propio y no suelo juzgar la forma de vestir de nadie,
cada uno entiende la moda a su manera y se expresa como quiere pero lo que no puedo
entender es que diseñadores como Marc Jacobs o Karl Lagerfeld la tengan en
consideración, no tienen mucho o nada que ver sus estilos, no? Ahí es donde el mundo de la moda me descoloca.
He started getting noticed so that began to call for magazines like The New York Times to make reports. Designers began to invite her to their shows and take it into account. We are used to seeing in parades known bloggers and collaborating with designers but not to this level, I was amazed the first time I saw her was in one of the shows of Marc Jacobs, I thought it's a girl thing and gone to more .... It goes from side to side in the world invited to fashion weeks with their outlandish styling and front row (you know what that means). My money's on the floor style and not judging anyone's dress, fashion everyone understands in his own way and is expressed as wants but what I can not understand is that designers like Marc Jacobs or Karl Lagerfeld's take into consideration, have little or nothing to do with their style, no? That's where the fashion world disturbs me.
Do not want to take the merit undoubtedly has its own style and art to doing things myself as I said before I follow it a while, your post is very interesting and the visual is great. Now 16 publishes its own online magazine for teens Rookie Mag and certainly his personality and outlook on fashion has become an icon will soon see in the movies.
la verdad es que algo habia leido de ella pero me has dejado pasmada con lo de los desfiles y la peli!
y colabora con diseñadores en algunas colecciones¡¡ muy fuerte
she is great! :)
ResponderEliminarthank you!
ResponderEliminarfollowing you now:)
I don't actualy understand her secret yet:)
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Thank you, i followed you back:)
ResponderEliminarinteresting post :)
ResponderEliminarThx for commenting and following .
I follow you back now :))
kisses back !
Hi)) Thank you! Yes, follow your blog))***
hiiii... thx for your visit... i follow u...
ResponderEliminarvisit me... there is my new post!!!
Your blog is so beautiful:)
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Follow me ana I will follow you back:)
I love this! Thanks for following my blog, I am now following you :) Can't wait to read more!
ResponderEliminarThe Indie Byline
Thank you¡¡
ResponderEliminarCool blog!
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oh, she is so wonderful! i love all of her outfits and her blog.
ResponderEliminarlindsey louise
EliminarSHE'S AMAZING!:)
ResponderEliminarthanks for visiting,I'm your follower now!;)
Omg! I love tavi she's the reason I started blogging!
I also can not understand that important designers or fashion editor take her into consideration!
yes is amazing realy¡
EliminarThank you¡
ResponderEliminarnice post thanks
ResponderEliminarlet's follow each other:)
You have a great blog! Love the pics! Would you like to follow each other?
BIG hair LOUD mouth
nice post..if you like enjoy my can win beautiful Morellato earrings!
Weird girl, but she's so successful!